I have just finished painting the Infinity Cutter miniature - a fantastic sculpt by one of my favourite miniatures sculptors, Jose Roig. His contribution to the whole range is amazing, but the Cutter is an outstanding piece of work - fantastic animation and detail. I'll post pictures of the finished piece here soon, but I just wanted to talk a little about how I used glazing on this miniature first.
I wanted the cutter to have a really clean, anime feel to the colour scheme, so chose white and red for the principal colours. I have to admit that red is one of my favourite colours for miniatures (it just gives so much impact to a colour scheme), but I rarely use it as the main colour. It can also be a tricky one to get right in large areas like this - it's notoriously difficuly to get good smooth coverage as it has such poor opacity.
I tend to use quite a lot of white in the highlights for better coverage - building up the colours through almost peach tones and then adding some intensity back in with successive glazes. I glaze with inks rather than paint - I find that the intensity of the pigmentation really lends itself to the technique. I used at least 8-10 layers of glazes on this miniature, the first was a warm yellow and the final one was deep red. Each glaze is applied extremely diluted and in an even layer - the goal is to lay down a thin 'tint' of colour without any patchiness or pooling. It's important to make sure that the glazes dry completely between applications (I always have a hair-drier handy to speed this up). You also have to be careful where you apply the glaze - the early (yellow) ones are applied over the whole areas, but the deeper (red) tones are just applied to the shade areas.
It's a great technique and can be used to give colours a real intensity boost.
I'll post pictures of the finished miniature soon.
Hi Mike,
Wow glazing makes a huge difference.
I'm hoping to give glazing and washing a go but I have no idea which inks to go for. Any suggestions? which inks to do you guys use?
Keep up the good work
Hi Mike
I saw the photos of it :), Jose Luis sent me it.
Great work Mike.
I hope see more miniatures you.
see you
Hi Glen
I use Rotring Artist Color inks, but they stopped making them years ago - much to my dismay... I have a small and ever dwindling supply and would dearly love to get my hands on some more.
There are several good artists inks on the market though - like Daler-Rowner FW ink, but I would keep away from Winsor and Newton inks, as I have found they are not light fast.
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