Wednesday 3 February 2010

Pan concept art

Just a really quick post to share the original concept art for Pan. As I said in a previous post, this is by Stephen Tappin, and we have more from him on the way soon.

We plan to have the first of the Pan tutorials up on the blog early next week - better get moving on it!




Orb said...

wow! JAG made such a good, almost perfect 3D reproduction of the picture! There's witchcraft at work here

Roman aka jar said...

Yepp, Orb says everything... a great piece in every single step of the production! Wohow!

Mabden said...

Stephen Tappin and Mike McVey in the same project? Are we returning to the old Games Workshop days of glory?
A great original art and a very good miniature. I'm waiting for this painting tuto.

Mr. Mahon said...

Oh, I don't quite agree. I think the sculpt is even better than the concept art, and it's a rare thing becauce many miniatures are serious disappointments to me after comparing them to concept art.

This time the miniature comes up on top, so thumbs up for the sculptor!

And the facial expression is so cute. Before I saw the closeup of the face I thought he looks unhappy, and maybe sick or suffering. But the closeup made it clear... he's just so cute :D

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