New release time!
I'm know many miniature collectors in the UK grew up reading the weekly comic 2000AD, just as I did - so I'm sure quite a lot of people will immediately see where the inspiration for this miniature came from. The name is also a clue for where we got the inspiration for doing a tough, streetwise female character...
Funnily enough - after planning to do this miniature for a the last few months, we had just put the sculpt into a mould when this popped up on Coolminiornot. He just beat us to the punch! Really lovely piece though.
The concept for this was by Christophe Madura, the creative genius behind the Smog miniature range and the person who concepted our first ever release - The Raven Priest. The sculpt is by Yannick - who seems to be fast becoming a permanent fixture in our range!
I have to say, of all our releases so far - this is the one I think works best as a composed scene. I think she looks just great.
She's in the Studio Store on the website now.
What a stunning miniature! Absolutely awesome!
Crazy nice dynamic posing! Looking forward to adding her to my SMV miniature collection!
Marlon would be proud to surf the Big Meg with her i'm sure. Stunning pose and sculpt.
I will definitely have one of these. Top class as always.
I'm having such fun painting her pants. We need more miniatures with parachute pants. :)
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