Tuesday 3 August 2010


This week sees GenCon 2010 kicking off in Indianapolis,USA. Unfortunately Studio McVey won't be attending this year's show in person, but we'll be there in spirit. Coolminiornot will be the exclusive stockist of the Studio McVey Limited Edition miniature range, and should have all of them available at their booth. They will also have a few of the Studio painted miniatures in their display cabinets. Check out their booth - #826 in the back of the Exhibitor's hall.

If you've never been before - GenCon is quite an amazing event. Four days of non-stop gaming (literally, there's always something on, day or night). Hopefully we'll be able to have our own booth in the coming years - but for the moment, make sure you stop by the Coolminiornot booth and have a look at our miniatures.



1 comment:

David said...


I'm here at GenCon, and I'm having a fabulous time. This is my first GenCon, and it's far exceeded my expectations. Meeting all of these wonderful mini painters is great. (Everyone I've met is super nice, as well as talented! Even if Amy Brehm did break my mini. :P) I really do hope you make it in the future, as I would love to meet the two of you in person, and maybe get a few tips. At least some of your minis were there, even if you weren't. Seeing Ali's Y'Sala & Darkness in person was great inspiration, since Y'Sala is the next thing on my painting table when I get home.

There were some lovely Studio McVey entries in the GenCon painting competition this year. Mathieu Fontaine entered Isabella, and took third in single figure. You can see pictures on his blog here. Matt DiPietro also entered a fantastic post-apocalyptic Raven Priest in large figure. It made final cut, but I suspect that his style is just not what the judges were looking for. If you can't get pictures from him, Mengu took some which I think are going to be put online somewhere.

Next GenCon, you should do some Studio McVey prizes for the painting competition. :)