Friday 24 September 2010


Well another month has flown past without many posts here from me - I could apologise again, but the apologies and promises of articles are probably sounding a little hollow by now! It has been an exceptionally busy month though, as well as moving house and office (still in progress...), we have also been working very hard on the new Studio McVey miniatures line. There is going to be preview of that in the second Mantic Journal, and I'll be sharing some news and pictures here in the next few days.

Anyway - I've just added this months Limited Edition resin release to the Studio Store. Inspired by 1950's pulp movies like Forbidden Planet and The Day the Earth Stood Still, and with more than a nod to Metropolis, we are proud to bring you - Beauty and the Bot!

I have to say I absolutely love this one - and just couldn't be happier with how it came out. Both Christophe Madura and Yannick were right on the money with the concept and sculpt. It's exactly how I imagined the scene to be, the barely conscious Greta, being carried down the steps of the palace by the mighty Zyndor!

I'll add more pictures of the miniature here in the next couple of days (honestly!) and definitely the concept art - which is absolutely beautiful. Look out for the announcement on the new miniatures range too!




Sorrowshard said...


That is fantastic , was just watching 50's sci fi before I came on here.


Mark said...

I'm loving the metal work on this mini! I'm curious as to the colors used...

Toosh said...

I like the imagery of this piece and as The Day The Earth Stood Still is my favourite sci-fi film (the original of course!) it can only be good :D Having attended Euro recently, my funds are depleted - so hoping this one stays around for a while. Could make a nice Christmas pressie for myself ;)