Tuesday 10 May 2011

Blending tutorial video

Ali has been running a little project over on the Studio McVey forums for the past week - painting the same miniature as one of our members so she can demonstrate how we paint. It will mainly be illustrated with stage-by-stage photos, but we thought we would take the opportunity to do something we have been thinking about for quite a while now - shoot some video.

You can see the original thread here, and the video itself is embedded below.

This is an ongoing project for us - but we're reasonably pleased with the results. There are still quite a few technical problems to iron out - but we have some exciting plans for the future - stay tuned!



Inkub said...

Oil pants, I guess? I can't paint with acrylic fast enough to blend with water alone...

Inkub said...

Ok, acrylics:) I just read a forum thread. Well, I have to use more thinned paint I think. Thanks, really helpfull video.

Will Scarvie said...

Wow. That's so much easier (looking) than I'd thought it would be. I _must_ try this. Thank you!

And...what's the music behind the video, please? Nice tune.

HaWior said...

Good idea to make video painting tutorials. Guess a lot of people are looking for them.

Hope for more. :)

BaBuGames said...

I hereby officially nominate your blog for a "Stylish Blogger Award".

I always enjoy reading your blog and your articles are an inspiration to me. Keep up the good work and check out my article that links to your blog here:


Seb aka Warpaintguy

StudioMcVey said...

@ Inkub - yes, acrylics. You have to work reasonably fast, but you just blend small areas at a time. Apply the highlight to one area - then immediately blend the edge. David is right though - having the paint too thin actually makes it harder - if the paint is just a little thicker, it will stay wet longer - a little counter-intuative I know! You can also pull the paint around with the second brush once you become a little more practiced. I quite often put the wet paint at one end of the highlight area, and then pull it along with the second brush.

@ Concentrationally Challenged : I am Kloot - Northern Skies.

@ Warpaintguy - Thanks!