Tuesday 20 May 2008

Quick post

Well it's been far too long since either Alison or I updated the blog or main website - the winter seems to have flown past and summer is nearly here. We have both been incredibly busy for the past few months, for me it's been the World of Warcraft miniatures project (something I have been working on for well over a year) that has made the main demand on my time. That has finally been announced and the website is live.

It's been a great project to be involved with, allowing me to work with some of my favourite sculptors, and have some input into what I think is the highest quality range of it's kind the industry has ever seen.

Amongst other projects, I have also been working on a brief painting guide for the new game from Avatars of War - Arena Deathmatch. AOW is Felix Paniagua's range of miniatures and very good they are too! I believe the game is coming out in July (the miniatures are all available from his website) - but the forum over at the AOW site will be able to tell you more accurately. One to look out for though.

Both Ali and I have articles that we are going to get onto the Blog soon and I plan to add some new images to the main website in the next few days. I have a library of images to add to the galleries - mainly old miniatures, but a few new ones as well.

The next few months are looking to be really busy - along with all our various projects, I have been invited to be one of the the judges at this Year's World Expo in Girona. It's a great honour and I'm really looking forward to the event. I will be giving a talk on Saturday moning in the auditorium.

Okay - that's it for now, I'm happy just to get a brief update on the blog. More from both of us soon!


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