Just completed this Rune Priest, the first of three Space Wolves I have on my desk... It's the first miniature I have painted to a high standard for a couple of months, so it took quite a while to get back into the swing of things - it's amazing how quickly my painting turns rusty! I like the way he came out though - it was an enjoyable miniature to paint.
I was pretty pleased with the base - I wish I had taken a shot of it before I attached the miniature... It took me a quite to get the icicles right, I was thinking about all sorts of different ways of making them - but in the end I cut tiny shards of cured clear resin and glued them in place. The snow was a mix of bicarb and PVA glue
Hi Mike,
The model looks great as always! Keep up the good work, you're one of the reasons i started painting in the first place!
Quick question, where do you get the black pedestals from? Ive searched everywhere trying to find them, but i've been having no luck
Hi Paul
We get our bases from someone on the coolminiornot forums (email me through the main Studio McVey site and I will send you the contact details). However, I don't think he makes that many of them. Jeff Wilhelm sells some excellent pedestals - there is a selection over on his site, I believe he will custom make them too - http://www.dragonforge.com/
Hi Mike,
Thanks for the link - The dragon forge ones are exactly what i was looking for :)
All the best
Hey Mike,
The Rune Priest looks fab. It's great to see your work because it's always inspirational.
As a long time fan of your painting I'd like to say thanks for the many years of awe and inspiration.
HI Mike, I've just been given that mini by a chap at the wargames club I go to (I'm planning on restarting my SW 40k force when the new book comes out).
I'm now terrified of painting it but then I always felt like that when I looked at your work years ago (I shared a house with you and Steve T back in the 90's) ;-P
I'm loving the icicles, great to see you're still the master - how long did it take approx? (I'll understand if you can't say though).
I really like the blue/grey armour and the red/orange colour of the shoulder pads really comes together well.
How did you seal the plaster on the base ?, If that is what you used hehe.
Hi Carl! (Thousand Hats...)
Great to hear from you - drop me an email through the main SM site
Hi James
I use quite a lot of super-glue when building plaster bases, so that soaks in and toughens it up, but don't really seal it... I undercoat with a brush before painting, and then matte coat when it's done. As the models aren't meant for gaming (because they attached to a large plinth), they don't really get any wear and tear. If something is likely to get handled, I will tend to use hydrostone as it's far tougher.
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