Monday 30 November 2009

Blog Stars

Just a quick post about some of the blogs I have been reading (well mostly looking at the pictures if I'm honest...). A quick warning before I begin though - if you start looking at these blogs and clicking on the links they contain - you could loose hours of your life...

The first one is Dead Fish Painting - which is Sebastien Picque's work. I absolutely love his painting on the Smog miniatures - which is without doubt my favourite miniatures line at the moment. The creativity of Christophe Madura is just mind blowing, and Sebastien's painting complements it perfectly. Another amazing painter who has done some work on the Smog line is Angel Giraldez who is the staff painter for Corvus Belli - there's a lot of great work on his blog.

The next is Jerome Otremba - Amazing work here... I especially like the larger scale busts he has painted (and in some cases sculpted too).

Another painting and sculpting blog is Darkeden, featuring the work of Remy Tremblay - who produces some of the most frighteningly realistic painting I have ever seen - just look in the SFX section and you'll see what I mean...

This blog is by a painter who work I wasn't familiar with until recently, Guillaume Hemery. I just love the bright intensity of his colours. I like my miniatures to have strong contrasting colours, but he has really taken it to 11... His Bad Moon Orcs are just stunning.

Great use of colour on the work in this blog by Roberto Chaudon - really nice sculpting too.

I'll leave at that for now or I'll get lost in all the links between the different blogs! Plenty to look at though, and I have only shared a few - inspiring stuff.




David said...

Have you looked at Massive Voodoo? It's one of my favorite painting blogs, by Roman (Jarhead), Robert (Muhani), and Raffaele Picca (Picster). It's worth a look, if you haven't.

Sat' said...

All of these and several nice other blogs are followable on my netvibes' public page:

Enjoy! ;)

Roman aka jar said...

Thanks for the great links, Mike ... really spent my time around these cool links... thanks for sharing!

And David... man, muchas gracias!

DL said...

I also recommend you

Anonymous said...

WOW! Very inspiring to say the least. I'm bookmarking several pages now, so I can check them out later.