New release time!
Members of the mailing list got to see this yesterday (and it's already made it on to quite a few forums!) - but here is April's release - Ar-Fienel.
We're absolutely delighted with this miniature - it's a great addition to the Studio McVey range. This is Yannick Hennebo's first sculpt for us, and it certainly won't be his last. The concept is from Steve Tappin, and with all the fine detail he put into it, I almost wish we could have done her in a larger scale - 54mm Studio McVey miniatures...? One day maybe.
I'm going to keep this short as we are rushing round like crazy, getting ready for Salute - we leave in a couple of hours and still have a frightening amount left to do. Hope to see some of you there!
She's looking absolutely great!
Wow, that's absolutely beautiful! I havent gotten any of your minis yet because I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to do them justice, but I might be tempted to get her!
Fantastic miniature, the amount of details and the overall quiality of the sculpt are amazing!
It was lovely to meet you two at the Salute today, was nice to help to translate for Angel Giraldez and was a great result for Ally in the competition...well done!.
I hope you continue bringing such a good quality figures
Very nice model. C'est Magnifique! How do you do those nice leaves in the painted model?
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