Wednesday 13 October 2010


Here's the second miniature in the Sedition Wars line - the medical officer from Kara's squad, Corpsman Morgan Vade.

I'm going to leave this post really short, and update again before the end of the week.




Anonymous said...

I like this one as well - especially the fact that the uniform/equipment is similar to the Captain and also the rifle on his back (I guess that the Geneva Convention regarding armed medics does not apply when fighting Spider Mammoths!).

I am not so keen on the "gasmask" - why would he be wearing one when Kara isn't? - but then I am not keen on gasmaked figures anyway.

David said...

Hmm, this makes me want to do an Alien-Swarm-style diorama with Kara's squad vs. Tyranids. Getting the lighting right would be tricky, but it could look really cool.

Gilbear said...

Goodness me Mike, if you keep this up, I think I'll be making you a rich man all on my own! =0P

StudioMcVey said...

@ Commissar - It's not really supposed to be a gas mask, in the sense that it's protecting him from toxic gasses. More that he wears it to make sure he doesn't infect the wounds of his patients. Or maybe he's protecting himself from contracting something nasty from his infected patients...? Or perhaps his lungs have been damaged by infections in the past, and now he has to wear that to help him breath? You get the idea - it's more for medical reasons, rather than specific battlefield protection.

@ David - That would be great! I have a couple of diorama ideas that I really want to pursue for this project. I need to take the plunge and actually start on one of them...

gloria_invictus said...
