Friday 25 May 2012

Kickstart us!

After more than two years of work, the first Sedition Wars game - Battle for Alabaster, is nearly done. Most of the miniatures are already in plastic tooling, the art is complete and we're just putting the final tweaks on the rule book and packaging.

It's been an incredibly hard journey - the hours have been long and stressful, and sometimes we thought we would never get to this point - but we're very proud of what we've achieved. The amount of work you have to put into a project like this is mind boggling, and if we'd have know going into it, we might never have started. (Actually that's not true at all - I knew exactly what's involved with a project like this, and it's why, when I left Privateer Press, I swore I would never do a game - but you know, memories fade!).

Of course we didn't do it alone, and I have worked with some of the best talents in the industry on this project. I'd be proud to put the miniatures along side those from any other company - no matter how big that company is. The art and design are similarly top-rate.

The person that deserves the most credit is the game designer, and all round creative genius - Rob Baxter. Without Rob, there would be no game, and the Sedition Wars universe would be a poorer place. It's thanks to him the game is fun and exciting, and the storyline compelling and evocative.

Why Kickstarter?

So if the game is pretty much done - why do we need help? Well, we've aimed pretty high with this product. If you look at the miniatures, they're not the usual flat, two dimensional sculpts you generally see in board games - they're animated and highly detailed - just as good as you'll get in any 'real' miniatures game. But that comes at a price - as do the rest of the components - die cut counters, large game boards, full colour 60 page rules and scenario book - they are all very expensive to produce.

Launching a Kickstarter for this game helps us take those last steps to make the game as good as it deserves to be. Without it we would have to make cuts - fewer miniatures in the box, less variations in sculpts, shorter rule book - things we really don't want to have to do. We have the know-how and talents to make this a fantastic product, and be able to go toe-to-toe with the big guys in the industry - but we need a a little help.

Support us!

So we're asking everyone to support the Kickstarter campaign and spread the word to anyone who might be interested, we need to get the word out there!

I'll be publishing more material on this blog in the coming weeks - miniatures, fiction, art, sneak peeks at the rule book - so keep coming back.

The Kickstarter page is live now - please take a look.




Miniature Tim said...

Navigating to Kickstarter now...and icking myself for not trying to nab some of the more limited edition Sedition Wars figures you guys have created in the past!!! Wonder if I could still get my hands on some somehow...

HaWior said...

Is supported or kickstarted. :)

Bubbatron said...

hmm its a great offer, just cant see why as a UK based company you cant ship to UK buyers direct from your home base so to speak, not only will we have to pay $25 extra for shipping but we are more than likely going to get stung on customs duty too - this is currently putting me and several friends off backing it

StudioMcVey said...

@ Bubbatron. I totally understand where you are coming from. The truth of the matter is, this product is being produced in the Far East and shipped to the US for distribution - so that is currently where the individual pledges from KS will be dispatched from. However... We are currently investigating shipping a portion of the production run directly to the UK - but we need enough interest from UK pledgers to make that work. So it's a bit of a chicken and egg situation - UK pledgers don't want to commit with the high shipping, but we need enough pledgers in the UK to make it work!
Please bear with me on this matter - believe me, we are trying to solve it.